First Steps

Now that you have Venera installed following 1 - Installation From Source or 1 - Installation With The Binary, after before steps it must be ready to go. To run it, open a new command line and run the binary with the venera command, this should load a new interactive prompt, the tool's interface where the user should take their actions.

After venera starts up, it must present a banner containing version information and the repository in addition to its name. Since it is your first time some instructions will appear.

You will notice that there are no scripts to be executed, that is, the tool does nothing. The first thing you must is to download the scripts from the official repository, or whatever else you want. Do this by using 6 - Venera Package Manager (VPM), a built-in package manager for scripts.

Syncing With The Main Repository

The main repository where the scripts will be downloaded from, is, you can see it and change for another by managing 4 - Global Variables.

Type the sync command from VPN and synchronize the scripts.

[vnr]>> vpm sync
[OK]- Requesting                              

[!]- Intalling /web/trace.lua
[OK]- /web/trace.lua installed.
[!]- Intalling /web/ngx1.lua
[OK]- /web/ngx1.lua installed.
[!]- Intalling /web/gen_ssti_jinja.lua
[OK]- /web/gen_ssti_jinja.lua installed.

Type reload root to refresh the scrpts search engine.

Using Scripts

There are already some scripts to be used. Several scripts were installed for testing, example scripts, and general use scripts.

Type the command use followed by any script, the suggestions may give some examples.

[vnr]>> use /root/.venera/scripts/test/http.lua

After loading the script, type info to show some data regarding it.

(/root/.venera/scripts/test/http.lua)>> info
## AUTHOR/S ##
1) Author1 <>

## TAGS ##
1) example
2) http

## INFO ##
HTTP requests with lua-go

Type options to see the parameters.

(/root/.venera/scripts/test/http.lua)>> options

--------  -------             --------  -----------
URL  yes       URL
METHOD    GET                 yes       METHOD

Let's reset the URL.

(/root/.venera/scripts/test/http.lua)>> set URL
[OK] URL <-
(/root/.venera/scripts/test/http.lua)>> options

--------  -------              --------  -----------
URL  yes       URL
METHOD    GET                  yes       METHOD


Now you may execute it by typing run.

(/root/.venera/scripts/test/http.lua)>> run
[OK]- 200
[OK]- <!doctype html>
		<title>Example Domain</title>
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
		<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
		<style type="text/css">

Awesome. Venera is working as expected!