
Venera is a tool for automating customized tests and attacks agaist many kinds of protocol. It relies on a scripting engine based on the Lua scripting language that makes it possible to create modules for all types of checks and exploits. The framework is a manager and interpreter of Lua scripts that provides functions and libraries for the creation of powerful tools integrated with services used during unitary tests, vulnerability scanning and exploitation fase. The user can create its own modules or use community made scripts, the tool is switchable for all kinds of need situation.

The framework is written in Golang looking for compatibility. The simplicity and malleability of the tool is one of the main objectives. Be something powerful and capable, while not being time-consuming to compile and resolve libraries.

As the tool is constantly under development and changes may occur all the time, some areas of this documentation may no longer conform to reality. In this case, I ask you to be patient.

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           \___|  \___| |_| _|  \___| |_|    \__,_| |
           Recon Mission:
If you want to start using Venera, take a look at the instalation.
If you have it installed, start using Venera!